We ll Be Together Again Forever in Paradise

What Did Jesus Hateful When He Told the Thief "Today You Will Be with Me in Paradise"?

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  • 2020 ix Apr
three crosses, thief on the cross today you will be with me in paradise

On the hill of Calvary, also called, "The Skull" Roman soldiers led Jesus to the place where He would die for all flesh. Jesus was blameless, without sin, and was not guilty of such a horrific death, but 2 men who were guilty of their crimes hung next to Him that fateful mean solar day. Both men spoke to Jesus, but only one would die to exist greeted into the promise of Sky. Jesus speaks these truthful words: "Truly I tell you, today you lot will exist with Me in Paradise." The story of the criminals on the cantankerous takes identify in Luke 23:36-43 As the verse shares,

"The soldiers besides mocked Him and came up to offering Him sour wine. "If You are the King of the Jews," they said, "save Yourself!" Above Him was posted an inscription: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. One of the criminals who hung there heaped abuse on Him. "Are You not the Christ?" he said. "Save Yourself and us!" Only the other ane rebuked him, saying, "Practice yous not even fear God, since you are under the same judgment? We are punished justly, for we are receiving what our deportment deserve. Simply this man has done goose egg wrong." Then he said, "Jesus, recollect me when You come into Your kingdom!" And Jesus said to him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with Me in Paradise."

This judgement spoken in painful gasps holds true a promise for all who choose to believe in their hearts.

The Setting: A Crucifixion

Crucifixion was not a swift process, it was an excruciating day total of torture, which the Romans reserved merely for the worst criminals (of which their own people were exempt). A week prior Jesus was greeted with a celebration as the people shouted gleefully, "Hosanna" and days later crowds demanded his decease. Flogged, browbeaten, and tortured Jesus did not resist for He knew this was what must happen, this was the greatest act of dearest the world has e'er seen. The final destination of this Crucifixion route was a hill called Calvary, or "the Skull." There adjacent to Jesus hung ii criminals, both guilty of the crimes they had been bedevilled for.

As the Soldiers mocked Jesus 1 of the criminals swung an insult to Jesus, but the 2nd criminal inverse form and took a dissimilar approach. Humiliated and hanging for his crime, this criminal acknowledged that he deserved to hang every bit he did, simply Jesus did not. Meekly he turned his face to and directed his sincere heart to Jesus, request that he be remembered in the Kingdom. The 2nd criminal believed Jesus was who He said He was, and it was articulate to him that Jesus was dying for a crime He was not guilty of. Even in his terminal breaths, this criminal came to salvation, showing us that as long as you have breath in your lungs y'all can exist saved no matter how close to the end of your life.

The Promise: Eternal Life "In Paradise"

The response of Jesus in this instance was profound to the criminal, as He promised this sinner that he besides would enter the gates of Sky to live in Paradise, not afterwards but that day! This was significant for it represented what Jesus was doing in that moment. Jesus took on our sin, our debts, our guilt and died for them. He did not have to exercise this, but His entire purpose in coming to earth was to not but honey u.s., not only to show empathy to usa past taking on man flesh but to die for u.s. in order to complimentary united states from the penitence of sin.  Because three days later He would rise, and the hope would be fulfilled that decease had no hold on Him or those nether His promise of salvation.

We are not told what this criminal stole to be convicted guilty of, but any it was it was worthy of the most astringent penalization. Even a criminal offence so terrible that man would consider worthy of death could be forgiven by Jesus. The expiry of Jesus on the cross and His promise to the sinner next to Him represents the compassion of Christ toward mankind.

The Takeaway: Jesus Paid it All

How Christ responded to the criminal next to Him has takeaways for Christians today. No affair how astringent the sin, there is opportunity for salvation and forgiveness from Christ—even in the final breaths of life. Jesus died for our transgressions, and in that forgiveness, abides for us. This guilty criminal acknowledged Jesus as Savior, for he best-selling His Kingdom. Jesus knew his heart and granted the promise that despite earth'due south judgement upon this homo, he would enter the gates of Heaven that very 24-hour interval.

In a world that is quick to not only guess only to condemn it is a magnificent relief to know that at the end of information technology all God has the final say. If we choose to recognize Jesus as Lord and Savior we can remainder bodacious that we too volition enter the gates of Paradise, just as the criminal on the cross next to Jesus did.

The Hope: God Fulfills His Promises

In that location is hope in the promise of Jesus Christ that He is loving, full of forgiveness, and true to His word. He promised in prophecy that following Him and accepting Him as Savior would grant the freedom of eternal life with God. That hope is for all mankind, and it continues today. Hebrews 13:8 reminds us that God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, so in that the very promise given to those living when the words were spoken is bachelor for the states today. Nosotros can promise in the promise that confessing Jesus is Lord is the key to life and life eternal with Him in Paradise.

The second criminal reaching his own last moments croaked some of his final words calling out to Jesus in the mankind. He knew the misdeeds of his life had landed him at the place where he would deserve such a punishment. Still, he knew within himself that the blameless man who hung next to him was pure and without blemish. He sought Jesus equally a lowly homo to recognize his sin but to besides recognize that Jesus was who He said He was; He believed Jesus was the Savior. Jesus promised this criminal that he too would be in Paradise with Him, just as He offers the aforementioned hope today. It is up to us to come up before Jesus, yeah covered in sin, but also in the position of being able to receive His forgiveness, His promise of eternal life, and His love. No thing how detrimental your sins may be, but similar the criminal on the cantankerous, Heaven tin can await yous equally well if you turn to Christ.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/RomoloTavani

Cally Logan is an writer and United states of america History instructor from Richmond, Virginia. In her gratuitous fourth dimension, she enjoys mentoring youth and spending fourth dimension in nature. Her book, Hang on in In that location, Girl! Volition exist bachelor everywhere on Apr ane, 2022. Check her out on Instagram and Twitter, @CallyLogan and TikTok Cally_Logan.

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Source: https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/bible-study/what-did-jesus-mean-when-he-told-the-thief-today-you-will-be-with-me-in-paradise.html

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