Chiropractic Healing Arts Center 2310 318 N West End Blvd Quakertown Pa 18951

Our Approach

Over the course of my twelvemonth history of Chiropractic service to the Quakertown Community, I'1000 clear that a healthy body can simply remain good for you, when attention is given to Structure, Diet, and Practice. These 3 modalities serve as the lynchpins upon which my practice has evolved.

Regenerative Medicine

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Stem Cell Therapy has revolutionized the treatment of chronic pain and inflammation. Gait analysis, functional bracing, introduction of mesenchymal stem cells (NOT nerveless from embryos)...together form the foundation that allows for enhancing the body's natural power to heal while prolonging or eliminating the demand for a surgical procedure. Initially we used this approach as we specialized in such a natural arroyo to bug involving the knees. The results were so heady that nosotros decided to pursue farther grooming and now offer the Regenerative Medicine approach for shoulder and hip conditions as well.


Each patient is seen equally a unique private, whose course of treatment is designed specifically effectually their personal needs. All new patients are initially assessed with a comprehensive examination that includes orthopedic and neurological tests, range of movement evaluation, manual muscle testing, and motion palpation of spinal segments. The data gathered from the patient's history and test may indicate the need for imaging, i.eastward., X-ray, MRI, CT scan; if so, appropriate referrals are made every bit required. When the necessary data is collected, a treatment program tin be determined. That plan, designed for the patient's unique example, may include Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy, Physical Therapy Modalities, Rehabilitative Exercises and/or Massage.
The powerful therapeutic effects of massage became evidently articulate when, in 2010, I found myself involved in an machine accident. In this tabular array-turning incident, the Doctor had now become the patient. I was experiencing a cervical spine effect, and was compelled to seek Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy with some other practitioner. During my course of handling, the Md recommended Massage Therapy. The resultant healing experience convinced me to include massage within the carte of services now available at the Chiropractic Healing Arts Center.
We offer this added service in a fully appointed private spa-like treatment room, and accept engaged a gifted practitioner who is schooled in a number of different therapeutic techniques. I am clear that Massage Therapy, combined with whatsoever comprehensive rehabilitative program, is a major component in speeding up the healing procedure.
While Worker's Compensation and Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance volition cover this important treatment, most individual groups volition not include payment, notwithstanding flexible spending accounts can be accessed to encompass this of import modality. Because the possibility of an out of pocket payment needing to be fabricated, we accept chosen to continue our sessions affordable.


Are you eating the right foods and avoiding the incorrect ones?
Getting well and Staying well includes having a proper diet, the introduction of gentle cleansing programs, and besides suggests the use of specific nutritional and herbal supplements. Our function stocks the supplements that cover a wide range of wellness conditions. These supplements help to correct deficiencies and increase your general health and well being.


An essential key to any comprehensive rehabilitative or maintenance oriented health care program is movement. In add-on to insuring that the joints in the spine are able to move adequately through the intended ranges of motion, the muscles must be able to perform their functions every bit well. To achieve optimal function, a balanced exercise program requires four components or aspects: strength, full range of motion, cardiovascular capacity and proprioception or remainder. As the patients of the Chiropractic Healing Arts Center are progressed through a programme to restore and maintain good wellness, special attending is paid toward the introduction of exercises that address these 4 essential components of movement.
"Doc" volition often pull off her jacket, leave the physioball and clearly demonstrate exercises that will support and enhance the private patient's rehab program.
In addition to the exercises taught in the role, Dr. Malmad also instructs an early morning "kicking army camp" program for women. Are y'all curious most the concept of "kicking camp?" Ask about how to join our adjacent class!

Meet Dr. 50. Celia Malmad

Dr Malmad

I am the Founder of THE CHIROPRACTIC HEALING ARTS CENTER, a holistically based practice that values and respects the whole person.

While my training includes a degree in Psychology, I was drawn to explore a formal Chiropractic Education to integrate the concept of mind and body into my do. Afterwards achieving my Doctorate of Chiropractic Medicine with Magna Cum Laude honors, I began my family practise in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, and accept been seeing patients in this expanse since 1981.

In 1994, I returned to my studies to focus on Orthopedics, and in 1998, earned the coveted Board Certification in Chiropractic Orthopedics. Our Practice honors the human relationship that occurs when Listen and Body come together to produce optimal wellness, and I welcome you to our web site.

In sharing the benefits of Chiropractic wellness, and its human relationship to your well being, information technology is my hope that the data I provide becomes your doorway to feeling healthier, and more vibrant, in every area of your life.

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Appointments are available during the mean solar day on Mon, Wednesday, Friday, with evening hours on Mondays and Thursdays. Delight feel free to likewise inquire about our Massage Programme.

As a courtesy to others who may wish to be seen, appointment cancellations require 24 60 minutes find.

We participate with major insurance carriers, and also accept Worker'south Compensation and Motor Vehicle Accident cases.

Nosotros take a working relationship with many primary care physicians and other specialists who regularly refer patients for care.

— Chiropractic Healing Arts Middle

why chiropractic care?

Why Chiropractic? Before answering this question, let's take a look at what Chiropractic actually is.

There are ii aspects to health care. I is response to disease or injury; the second is prevention of bug, which is true HEALTH care. Chiropractic is probably best known in the commencement category, which is a response to injury and specifically, injuries to the back and/or spine.

Spinal injuries are mechanical problems. The spine is fabricated up of 24 individual vertebrae that are stacked upon the pelvis. Wherever two basic come together in a joint, there is a specific range of motion expected, and when in that location is an injury, that normal/expected range of motility is often disrupted. In Chiropractic, we evaluate the motion of the vertebral joints, identify the levels where that movement might be deficient, and then mobilize or "suit" the joints accordingly. There are a number of dissimilar ways to evaluate, and also a variety of approaches to re-establishing normal motility.

At the Chiropractic Healing Arts Center, we are non satisfied with merely moving those joints. Our goal is to re-establish healthy motility patterns, and and so work toward PREVENTION of future problems.

The all-time way to accomplish that goal is to enlist the patient as the well-nigh of import fellow member of the wellness care team. With this mind fix, rehabilitative exercises are taught, and healthy biomechanics are stressed. Past working together, nosotros can near efficiently address the electric current spinal issues, limit or eliminate hurting, and set the stage for optimal futurity function.

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