Theyre Not Going to Put Me in a Balloon Again Movie Quote

Starring: Felicity Jones, Eddie Redmayne, Phoebe Fox, Himesh Patel, Vincent Perez, Anne Reid, Tom Courtenay, Tim McInnerny, Rebecca Front



Biographical adventure directed and co-written past Tom Harper. Gear up in 1862, the story follows meteorologist James Glaisher (Eddie Redmayne) and balloon pilot Amelia Wren (Felicity Jones), who team upwards to mount a balloon trek in guild to fly higher than anyone in history to accelerate human knowledge of the weather. As their perilous ascent reduces their chances of survival, the unlikely duo shortly notice things about themselves, and each other, that assistance both of them find their identify in the world.

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Our Favorite Quotes:

'1 must make compromises in order to achieve greatness.' - James Glaisher (The Aeronauts) Click To Tweet 'Some reach for the stars. Some push others towards them.' - John Trew (The Aeronauts) Click To Tweet 'You don't change the world just by looking at information technology. You change it through the mode you choose to live in information technology.' - Amelia Wren (The Aeronauts) Click To Tweet

All-time Quotes

[as they are waiting for Amelia to turn upward for their flight take off]
James Glaisher: John, this is Ned, one of the hardy entrepreneurs, who'south invested in our expedition.
Ned Chambers: Do not even think of telling me flight is not possible.
John Trew: Mr. Chambers, we are scientists of the air, and we can tell yous the one matter no i tin control is, well, the air.
Ned Chambers: I have paid for gas. I accept paid for silk. And is this balloon non the strongest, and largest that'southward ever been?
John Trew: All the same, it can't fight the atmospheric condition. You don't desire to be responsible for a tragedy, sir.
Ned Chambers: I don't wish to exist responsible for refunding the x thousand that came hither because you promised them history.
James Glaisher: We'll wing, Ned. We'll fly.

[referring to Ned Chambers]
John Trew: What a truly pleasant homo.
James Glaisher: One must make compromises in lodge to achieve greatness, my friend. And he is merely one compromise.

[as James is waiting for Amelia to bear witness up for their take off in front end of a crowd spectators]
James Glaisher: You're incredibly tardily.
Amelia Wren: Lesson number one of aeronauting, nosotros are creatures of the skies, and accept no respect for landlocked clocks.

[after Amelia turns upwardly late for their balloon launch]
James Glaisher: Are you ready?
Amelia Wren: Mr. Glaisher, you have no formulation of how ready I am.

[to the crowd of spectators earlier their balloon takes off]
Amelia Wren: The French rose to xx-iii m feet. Today, we will break that record and reclaim it for these off-white shores! Who knows, we may attain the moon and bring back stardust! Today is a day when history volition exist fabricated, and you volition all be a part of information technology.

[as they've just launched the balloon to start ascending into the sky]
Amelia Wren: Mr. Glaisher, you are airborne for the first fourth dimension in your life. I suggest yous spend less time frowning at me and more taking in this beautiful world we've just left.

[referring to the city beneath as they are floating over information technology]
James Glaisher: It all looks so…
Amelia Wren: Insignificant?
James Glaisher: Practise you take anything seriously, Miss Wren?
Amelia Wren: Some things.
James Glaisher: That crowd gathered to witness us break the pinnacle tape. They didn't need to meet a flying dog.
Amelia Wren: Still stuck there, are you?
James Glaisher: I've spent much of my life being laughed at for what I practise, Miss Wren. I'd rather hope that today might prove an exception.

Amelia Wren: Tell me, what determines your reputation?
James Glaisher: My reputation?
Amelia Wren: Yes, your continuing in the scientific community.
James Glaisher: The papers I've written, the discoveries I've uncovered.
Amelia Wren: Your reputation is built on paper, and my reputation is congenital on screams. And those people below, they came to be entertained. And they, if you didn't know, are the ones paying for this trip.

[every bit James takes out his binoculars]
Amelia Wren: You off to the opera?
[every bit James looks at the clouds through his binoculars]
Amelia Wren: I've been looking at the same affair. Don't tell me that cloud isn't a cause for concern.
James Glaisher: I'k the scientist, you lot're the pilot. Permit's stick to our roles, shall we?

[in flashback we see James and John on the roof of a building watching a balloon in the distance]
John Trew: You'll become your chance, you know. They'll realize your worth.
James Glaisher: I recollect they know my worth quite well enough.

[in flashback we encounter James appearing before the Royal Society]
James Glaisher: Gentlemen, we know more at present about this world around usa than at any moment
in our history. And yet, still, nonetheless, we are limited by our ignorance as to what is truly above u.s.a.. Now, with the progress that we have fabricated in balloon ascent hither at the Society, pioneered by Charles Green, nosotros could advance meteorology past decades. Analysis of the Earth'southward magnetic field, the solar spectrum, cognition of the dew signal, understanding of oxygenation of the atmosphere, atmospheric…
Charles Green: He wants my balloon!
James Glaisher: No, sir. No, sir, I ask for funding for my ain expedition into the skies. Past gathering enough information, I believe that we volition be able to uncover patterns and correlations that…
Charles Dark-green: Sir, we are scientists, not fortune tellers. You're talking about conditions prediction.
James Glaisher: Just is that not our responsibleness as scientists, to find order in chaos, gentlemen?

Amelia Wren: What are y'all attaching to those pigeons?
James Glaisher: Our readings.
Amelia Wren: I encounter. Reassuring to know yous've contemplated our deaths.
James Glaisher: I've but insured against them, should we not make it dorsum.

[as they are floating through the clouds in the balloon]
Amelia Wren: "What more felicity can fall to creature, than to enjoy delight with liberty."
[Amelia has visions of her late married man, Pierre]
Pierre Rennes: "And to be Lord of all the works of nature."
Amelia/Pierre: "To reign in the air from earth…"
Pierre Rennes: "…to the highest sky. To feed on flowers, and weeds of glorious feature."
James/Pierre: "To take what ever affair doth please the eye?"
James Glaisher: Spenser. The Fate of the Collywobbles. Information technology's one of my favorite poems.
Amelia Wren: Surprising. I didn't take yous down equally a literary human being.
James Glaisher: Men of science, uh, can enjoy words, Miss Wren.

[referring to the "The Fate of the Butterflies" poem]
Amelia Wren: My hubby loved that verse form.
James Glaisher: I would have liked to take met your husband.
Amelia Wren: I'm not sure he'd have liked yous.
James Glaisher: Really?
Amelia Wren: He disliked people who studied rather than practiced.

[they hear thunder rumbling]
Amelia Wren: Are nosotros still sure this weather condition volition concord? Because my instinct is telling me…
James Glaisher: Instinct has no place in weather prediction.
Amelia Wren: You lot're lying to me.
James Glaisher: Every reading that I took this forenoon was quite clear, Miss Wren.
Amelia Wren: There are no advantages in concealing concerns. We are trapped here no affair what you say.
James Glaisher: This pressure level is irresolute faster than I'd anticipated.
Amelia Wren: We're well-nigh to go moisture.

[equally they hit rough weather during their flight]
Amelia Wren: And so it begins.

[equally they run into a violent storm during their flying]
Amelia Wren: Stay yet and keep calm. I need to go us out of this.
[James sees Amelia trying to get out of the balloon basket and stops her]
James Glaisher: No! No! Nosotros cannot descend! This might exist our 1 and only opportunity.
Amelia Wren: Of class we don't descend.
James Glaisher: We don't?
Amelia Wren: There are 2 means to break a storm. One is to travel below it, the other above it. The safest mode is up.
[she pushes James off her]
James Glaisher: The safest fashion is up.
Amelia Wren: Who did you call up you got in a balloon with?
[the rough winds nearly takes both of them off the airship, but they hold on]

[as Amelia is holding onto a rope outside the airship basket]
James Glaisher: Take my hand! Take my hand!
[Amelia takes his hand]
James Glaisher: One! Two! 3!
[he pulls Amelia dorsum into the balloon]

[referring to James and Ameila]
Charlie: Don't you wish to be upwards in that location with them?
John Trew: No, I'd be an unnecessary weight.
Charlie: All the same.
John Trew: Some accomplish for the stars. Some push others towards them.

[as they are traveling above the clouds; to Amelia]
James Glaisher: Have you noticed, it's completely silent?

[in flashback we see Amelia'southward sis trying persuades her to attend a social event]
Antonia: Amelia.
Amelia Wren: I do so hate how you say my proper name. Information technology'southward like a priest imploring me to confess my sins.
[Antonia takes the bottle of drinkable of Amelia]
Antonia: It's been two years. Do you really recall Pierre would have wanted this?
Amelia Wren: That is below fifty-fifty yous.
Antonia: I'll help you change. Come up. Sisters together. And then I'll let you rot.

[flashback to when James meets Amelia at a social outcome]
James Glaisher: Are you lot the Widow Wren?
Amelia Wren: I dislike that title.
James Glaisher: But y'all are Miss Wren?
Amelia Wren: Amelia Wren. And who might yous be?
James Glaisher: Glaisher. James Glaisher.
Amelia Wren: Information technology was a pleasure to run into you, Mr. Glaisher.

James Glaisher: Miss Wren, sorry, I'm a scientist, an astronomer and a meteorologist, and I…
Amelia Wren: A scientist, an astronomer, and a what?
James Glaisher: I believe that the conditions can be predicted. Miss Wren, I need to make studies of the air. And I need to be in the air. And I need you lot to assist me.
Amelia Wren: Do you even accept a airship?
James Glaisher: Not yet, no. I don't.
Amelia Wren: And then you make an invitation to me, when information technology is I who should exist inviting you.
James Glaisher: No, I demand united states, I need you to fly u.s. higher than any man, or any woman, has always been.

[as Amelia gets James to dance with her]
James Glaisher: I assume there'southward a game y'all're playing here with others in the room.
Amelia Wren: Yous think I'k trying to make another jealous? You're not that handsome.
James Glaisher: Every man in this room is petrified to be seen talking to you, let alone dancing with y'all. No, I imagine your game is with another.
Amelia Wren: You're clever.
James Glaisher: I'm observant.
Amelia Wren: Or presumptuous. And there are certain things, if I may, that I feel safety in presuming near yous. Mayhap that you don't have an invitation for this night's events. Would that be a fair presumption?
James Glaisher: On what basis do you brand that supposition?
Amelia Wren: Your suit is two years out of fashion. Your shoes abominable. Your dancing ridiculous. I'm leading, y'all are non.
[referring to the man James had pointed out as his friend earlier]
Amelia Wren: And because this gentleman clearly doesn't know you at all. Thanks for the dance.

James Glaisher: I didn't realize that appearances were then important to you, and I'm sorry that I don't live up to this social club standard.
Amelia Wren: I don't care what shoes you habiliment. I care that you're lying to me.
James Glaisher: It'll be your balloon. All I ask is to be given the freedom to undertake my experiments.
Amelia Wren: I'm not a coachman for hire.
James Glaisher: Good, because I'm looking for a swain scientist. To empathize the weather, Miss Wren, is to understand how to make ships and sailors safer, farms more productive, so we tin prepare ourselves and our world for floods, for droughts, famines. We could save thousands of lives. I want to rewrite the rules of the air, Miss Wren. And I need your help. Then volition y'all assistance me?

Antonia: I hated you lot going up in the air with Pierre, but why you'd desire to go up on your own, I tin can't even…
Amelia Wren: With Mr. Glaisher.
Antonia: Yous're my only sister. I do not wish to lose yous to any more than foolishness.
Amelia Wren: You'd rather I found a man prepared to marry me to devote myself to.
Antonia: I'd rather you found a way to make yourself happy. Y'all tin't only fly away from your problems. You lot have to face up them here, on world, with the remainder of united states of america.

Amelia Wren: Expect, Antonia, I am a really adept aeronaut, and I want to utilize what I'm good at.
Antonia: Yes, but you are a highly achieved woman. You could exist good at and then many things. You could have the most beautiful life in social club, if only you'd endeavor.
Amelia Wren: And if that isn't what I want?
Antonia: So you have to acquire to want it.
Amelia Wren: Up at that place, it'south where I take found the greatest happiness.
[referring to Pierre]
Antonia: He was the happiness, non the damn balloon.

[in flashback we see James visit his parents after Amelia calls off their expedition; referring to Amelia]
Ethel Glaisher: Women don't belong in balloons, on show. And she makes such a evidence of herself. Your reputation risks ruin.
James Glaisher: Well, you lot'll be pleased to hear, Ma, that the trek'due south off. Information technology was Miss Wren who wouldn't risk flight with me.

Arthur Glaisher: Evidence them incorrect, James.

[in flashback nosotros see James trying to find a airplane pilot for his balloon expedition]
Charles Green: Have you even been in a balloon?
James Glaisher: I've studied them extensively.
Charles Green: Exercise you accept whatsoever experience of frostbite, low air pressure, the listen-altering effects of a lack of oxygen to the brain?
James Glaisher: How else does ane learn only by partaking?
Charles Light-green: Exactly what I need in a 2nd, a theorist, with no ideas most the true dangers of the air. Find another madman to go in a airship with. Uh, perhaps the French.
[referring to Amelia]
Charles Green: Or, better however, that adult female. Adept solar day.

James Glaisher: And at present nosotros've passed xx-two thousand half dozen hundred.
Amelia Wren: You're insufferable.
James Glaisher: You are excited.
Amelia Wren: And that is twenty-2 thousand seven hundred. History will be rewritten.
James Glaisher: Twenty-2 m ix hundred.
Amelia, James: Xx-3 thousand.
James Glaisher: We are now higher than any human or any woman has ever been.

Amelia Wren: Thank you for taking me up in your balloon, Mr. Glaisher.
James Glaisher: Thanks for taking me upwards in your balloon, Miss Wren.
[they shake easily]
Amelia Wren: It doesn't experience unlike at all, does information technology?
James Glaisher: On the contrary. This is the moment that I've been waiting for my unabridged life.
Amelia Wren: I rather doubtable I've been waiting for information technology too.

[referring to the balloon]
Amelia Wren: She's expanding. Nosotros should recall of slowing.
James Glaisher: So, the air is aiding our ascent. Isn't that outstanding?
Amelia Wren: Surely, now is the time to put your oilskins on.
James Glaisher: I didn't bring any oilskins. They proved extremely heavy.
Amelia Wren: I told you that you needed oilskins.
James Glaisher: Well, the equipment was essential. The weight limit was essential. If I'm to get a little sick returning…
Amelia Wren: A little sick? Y'all conduct 4 thermometers, you carry this strange box, but yous couldn't bring suitable clothing for the common cold and the moisture?
James Glaisher: Keep moving. Don't stop. The cold will only catch y'all if you let information technology!

Amelia Wren: Nosotros need to go down now.
James Glaisher: Wait. No, no. We're not descending. Not yet. The best way to pause a tempest is to travel up. I quote you, dear lady. Well, perchance the best manner to break a cold is also to travel upwardly.
Amelia Wren: And which science are you basing that upon?
James Glaisher: The scientific discipline that says, with every layer of air, we are traveling into an unknown. Then with every layer of air, we are traveling closer to the dominicus.
Amelia Wren: I believe we have already accomplished…
James Glaisher: So these findings that I am nevertheless to discover, they could be overwhelming.

Amelia Wren: You are freezing.
James Glaisher: Please. What have we to lose?
Amelia Wren: Our lives.
James Glaisher: This could be more important than our lives!
James Glaisher: Please. I know that you want this as much equally I practice.
Amelia Wren: I'm descending.
[James stops her]
James Glaisher: No.

James Glaisher: And so this airship has defied every single matter that nosotros have thrown at it.
Amelia Wren: This is not well-nigh the airship. This is non about science. This is about your war with those who lord information technology over you. And I have fought them too.
James Glaisher: This is, this is about that.
[he points to the sky]
James Glaisher: Look at it. There'due south nothing more cute, nor more mysterious, than the stars in the sky. And wait at united states. We are dancing amid them.

James Glaisher: You wanted that writing on the balloon, Amelia. "Caelum certe patet, ibimus illi."
Amelia Wren: "Patet, ibimus illi. Surely, the sky lies open. Let us become that way."
James Glaisher: The sky is open up. It is open.
Amelia Wren: Now, you empathise there will come a time when we go no farther?
James Glaisher: Yes, I practice.
Amelia Wren: Do y'all understand that decision will only exist mine?
James Glaisher: Yep, I do.
[Amelia empties the sand out of sandbag so that they tin continue to arise]
James Glaisher: Give thanks you.
Amelia Wren: Tell me when we land if I deserve your thank you.
James Glaisher: Y'all deserve many.

[flashback to when John visits Amelia to convince her to pilot James's balloon]
John Trew: Skillful evening, Miss Wren.
Amelia Wren: I've made my conclusion, Mr. Trew.
John Trew: And I sympathize that. I just wanted to gift yous this volume.
[Amelia opens the book to find drawings]
Amelia Wren: These are beautiful.
John Trew: They're pictures of snowflake formations. A report of the mathematical possibilities of nature, a written report undertaken by James…
Amelia Wren: James Glaisher.
John Trew: He believes the sky tin be understood.
Amelia Wren: This I am well aware.
John Trew: He is, sadly, occasionally incorrect. He predicted it would snow tonight, would y'all believe. Only more oft than not, he finds remarkable truths. Travel with him, and you lot will notice this. I have.
Amelia Wren: I'm deplorable. I clearly told him no. He should not have sent you to convince me.
John Trew: He didn't transport me. He'd consider me a poor persuader. I'one thousand here on my own business relationship.
Amelia Wren: You lot will not dissuade me from my path, Mr. Trew.
John Trew: James believes there's something extraordinary upwards there.
Amelia Wren: And so this is an opportunity I should not miss?
John Trew: You misunderstand me. It'due south not an opportunity, but an obligation. In this life, few are given the chance to change the world. You've been assigned a responsibleness, Miss Wren. You take to meet information technology. Enjoy the book, madam.

[as James is throwing things out of the balloon]
Amelia Wren: What are you doing?! Nosotros can't lose more weight! No! Give me the sandbag! Information technology is time we descend.
James Glaisher: I will not terminate because yous can't withstand a petty pressure.
Amelia Wren: Don't y'all meet what's happening?
[James's nose starts bleeding]
Amelia Wren: James, the lack of oxygen is affecting your encephalon. We're going to dice unless we descend now.
James Glaisher: Your husband risked your life for his own recklessness. I practice the aforementioned, but for scientific discipline.
[Amelia slaps his face]
Amelia Wren: You know nothing of my husband's death.
James Glaisher: It is well known that he pushed harder than he should have.
Amelia Wren: Now imagine that story again, and imagine this time that I am the pilot, that he told me to terminate, that I was risking the balloon.
[nosotros see flashback to Amelia and Pierre'southward balloon flying, and how he sacrificed himself by jumping to his death to save his Amelia]

James Glaisher: Amelia. I'm then distressing.
Amelia Wren: Practise not be responsible for the death of another. It's ane fault you'll never forgive yourself for.
James Glaisher: I'thousand so sorry. Really, I am.
Amelia Wren: Now permit's get this balloon down.
James Glaisher: Yes.

Amelia Wren: James, you have to go along moving.
James Glaisher: Yes.
Amelia Wren: If y'all lay still, and then the hypoxia will prepare in. The gas release valve is frozen. I need to climb up and open it. Stay alive. Stay alive.
James Glaisher: Stay alive.

Amelia Wren: So, you didn't have room for oils, simply yous did for brandy?
James Glaisher: Well, a scientist is aught without his equipment.

[as the balloon is descending and it'southward snowing effectually them]
Amelia Wren: My sis wanted to know why I would ever become upward in a balloon over again. I remember it was considering I wanted all that I knew, all that he taught me, all that I've lost, to exist for something.
James Glaisher: Well, I need to make sense of all of this before I can work out quite what nosotros've accomplished. but information technology, uh, it seems that the temper has levels to it. It has patterns within information technology.
Amelia Wren: That'south non what I mean.
James Glaisher: Newton said that nosotros build too many walls and not enough bridges.
Amelia Wren: I don't want to hear from Newton. I desire to hear from you.
James Glaisher: All my life, I've found comfort in science. Information technology helps give meaning to the many things we can't control. It brings a caste of order to the chaos that surrounds us. Merely whilst nosotros may be able to explain the science backside an aureole, or the falling snow, it's not possible to account for its beauty. Together we've brought the stars closer.
Amelia Wren: We take brought the stars closer.

Amelia Wren: [voice over] James Glaisher'south meticulous recording of information showed that the atmosphere has dissimilar layers within it. A discovery which led to the first scientific weather condition forecasts.

[James is giving a spoken communication to the Royal Society]
James Glaisher: The fact that I am able to exist here at all to present this to you, is due to some luck, some aid, and Amelia Wren's remarkable backbone. So, we tell our story, non for the purposes of pleasance, but for the advancement of knowledge, and for the good of us all.

Amelia Wren: [voice over] Nosotros took to the skies in the name of discovery, to observe something new, to change the earth. But you don't change the world simply past looking at information technology. You lot change it through the style you choose to alive in it.

[last lines; we see James and Amelia on another airship flight together]
Amelia Wren: [vocalization over] Look upwards. The heaven lies open up.

What exercise you lot think of The Aeronauts quotes? Permit u.s.a. know what you lot think in the comments below as nosotros'd love to know.



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